Minggu, 07 Desember 2014

Gone Girl

I’ve finally came to an end of Gone Girl. That i know, why this Gillian Flynn’s could be the number one of New York Time best seller. This is a new brand marriage thriller story which i was not only immersed with the misterious side but also fascinated with the way Flynn told us about psychologic marriage life of Nick and Amy Dunne. I think this is not Marriage Can Be A Real Killer. I prefer to create a symtomp  Marriage Can Be A Thriller”, everyday’s thriller.

The story tell us about how marriage can be like after some years. I do not tell about the whole story because it’s to many. But for me, the dramatic scenes of this story are palpable by the both point of views. How’s Nick and Amy toward each other? How they’re going through the first five years of marriage? How’s they’re changed and made up ? There were interesting.

Nick Dune is the boy, the young man people always loved. He is funny-smart guy.Grew up as mama-boy who was close with his mother and his twin sister. It’s just Amy, who know Nick about hos he was aspired his father. Nick Grew up with father who never apoligized so when he has screw up he goes on offense instead of apologize. His father infused him with unspoken blame, he was the kind of man who skulked around looking for somethings to be angry at. It had turned Nick into knee-jerrk suckup to authprity. He’s literally lie,cheat and steal to convince people he is a good guy. Nick is complicated. He used to be journalist- magazine writer as his occupation before he moved to his hometown, running The Bar and becoming college profesor.

Amy Elliot Dune, is the young woman people always adored. Pretty, nice, sufficient, and smart. She is the representative of Amazing Amy, a children book about the life of perfect girl. Amy borned from smart and romantic parents as the only child. That was drag her to be the girl who can’t be unperfect and the next is, sociopath. They are actually complicated bomb couple.

Life began after Nick has got laid off and jobless. The laid off gave a specific impact to Nick. I see it from Nick and Amy’s perspective. Nick sometimes became inferior and offense everything he could. It made the gap between Any and Nick. How cold Nick toward Amy, they always made up in the night they’re went to bed.

Amy was quite wise wife according to her diary. She said Nick was witty, briliant man that made Nick fluttered. She gave Nick her saving money went through the unemployeed time. She budged in some way. In the diary, Amy said something after her husband critized her every anniversary’s treasure hunt, “ I guess that’s what husbands are for. To point out what we can’t see for ourselves, even it takes five years.” And Nick, before they got married, he always heard that Marriage is compromise and hard work and hard work and then more hard work and communication and compromise. 

We all see that, Amy’s gone to fixed her husband. It turned to be unpredictable and worse. Amy was totally sociopath. In the days she’s gone, she reached triumphant over her husband. Nick became suspect. That’s why he had more reason to hate his wife. They separated and hating each other and missing each other. That the husband and wife was.

Amy was back to Nick with too many shocking stuffs. Nick more hate with his wife. They were debate, menacing each other until they knew, they need each other. As a man, Nick has been his most impressive when he loved her and his next best self when he hated her. For him, Amy was toxic yet he couldn’t imagine the world without her. And Amy addicted to Nick.  That’s the way they make up. Despite all the weaknesses, the wrongdoings, the boredome, they know, they need each other to be a better human being. That is marriage should be work out.

“ I was told love should be unconditional. That’s the rule, everyone says so. But if love has no boundaries, no limits, no conditions, why should anyone try to do the right thing ever? If i know i am loved no matter what, where is the challenge? I am supposed to love Nick despite all his shortcomings. And Nick is supposed to love me despite my quirks. But clearly, neiher of us does. It make me think that everyone is very wrong, that love should have many conditions. Love require both partners to be their very best at all times. Unconditional love is an undisciplined love and as we all have been, undisciplined love is disastrous.”

I love the ending